Can you get legionnaires’ disease from steam rooms and saunas? Yes, you can. Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks happen because of someone else’s negligence. If you caught Legionnaires’ disease from a steam room or sauna the Legionnaires’ experts at Riley | Ersoff LLP can help.
How Can You Get Legionnaires’ Disease from Steam Rooms and Saunas?
People get Legionnaires’ disease when they breathe in mist or steam from water contaminated with legionella bacteria. Legionella grows in warm water sources. When property owners don’t maintain and disinfect their water systems, the bacteria multiply and infect the water supply. Legionnaires’ in steam rooms is a big risk, as well as hot tubs, saunas, pools, and showers. In 2009, two people that had visited a Los Angeles fitness center developed Legionnaires’ disease. An inspection revealed that the fitness center’s spa and pool were underchlorinated. In another case, two people were hospitalized after contracting Legionnaires’ disease from a hotel spa in Minnesota.
Not everyone who inhales legionella contaminated water will develop Legionnaires’ disease. But some people are more susceptible than others. That includes people with chronic lung disease such as emphysema or COPD; immune system disorders; underlying illness such as diabetes, renal failure or hepatic failure; current or former smokers; and people over the age of 50. Legionnaires’ disease is not transmitted person to person.
What Do I Do If I Think I Have Legionnaires’ Disease?
Legionnaires’ disease is a type of pneumonia. The symptoms develop 2-14 days after exposure to the bacteria, and may include cough, sore throat, confusion, fever, chills, fatigue, headache, nausea or vomiting, shortness of breath, and muscle aches. Exposure to legionella can also lead to Pontiac Fever, which presents as an influenzalike illness, with fever, headaches and muscle aches, but no signs of pneumonia. The symptoms occur within 72 hours of exposure. If you develop any pneumonia-like symptoms you should see your doctor right away. Legionnaires’ disease can lead to organ failure, kidney dysfunction, cardiac issues, and even death. Approximately 1 out of every 10 people who get Legionnaires’ disease will die as a result of their illness and approximately 1 out of 4 people who who get Legionnaires’ disease during a stay in a healthcare facility will die from complications relating to their illness.
If you’ve contracted Legionnaires’ disease from a sauna or spa, someone else is likely responsible. Legionella overgrowth happens because of someone else’s negligence. Property owners must maintain their water systems. People who own and manage places like spas, fitness centers, and hotels have a duty to their guests to make sure their water systems are properly cleaned and disinfected. When they neglect that duty, their carelessness can lead to people getting sick. If you’re one of those people, you have the right to be compensated for your medical bills and other expenses. Once you’ve seen your doctor and received a Legionnaires’ diagnosis, you should contact a Legionnaires’ disease attorney.
Wondering if You Have a Case?If you believe you contracted Legionnaires Disease from a spa, sauna, or steam room, you need to contact us right away. We have handled thousands of Legionnaires cases and have collected millions of dollars in damages during that span for our clients. Get Help Now |
Why Should I Contact a Legionnaires’ Disease Attorney?
If you contracted Legionnaires’ disease, you should not have to worry about how you’ll take care of your finances. The cost of medical treatments and wages lost from not being able to work can add up fast. You can recover those expenses and other financial losses related to your disease in a Legionnaires’ disease legal claim. You can also claim non-economic damages like pain and suffering.
The hardest part of your claim will probably be figuring out who to sue. That can be one or a number of people including property owners, managers, maintenance companies, etc. Your attorney will investigate your claim and help you figure that out.
The next biggest task will be putting together a strong case to back up the amount of compensation you’re asking for. Your attorney will also take that task on. They will gather your medical records and proof of other damages and create a well-documented claim. You’re going to need a well-crafted case to have a fair chance at a settlement that covers your damages. Your attorney must be an experienced negotiator. However they must also be ready to take your case to trial if necessary.
Riley | Ersoff LLP Is Ready to Take On Your Legionnaires’ Disease Legal Claim
Riley | Ersoff LLP is a firm that focuses on negligence cases against property owners who neglected their duty to be responsible to their guests, tenants, and other people in their care. We narrow the field of cases we take on to these claims, including Legionnaires’ disease lawsuits. Riley | Ersoff LLP has handled over 2,000 Legionnaires’ disease claims in the United States. Partner Victoria L. Ersoff has detailed knowledge of the disease and the resulting complications. She is highly experienced in these matters. No one can fight for your rights in your Legionnaires’ claim like Riley | Ersoff LLP. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.
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