Cesar Frías

Cesar Frias
Case Manager
Cesar Frias is a Case Manager with Riley | Ersoff LLP. Cesar graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in dual subject areas, Government and Justice and Peace Studies. Before working with Riley | Ersoff, Cesar worked as an Instructional Aid to First Generation, Low-Income (FGLI) K-12 students, helping bridge disparities in educational equity and access. Cesar’s strong desire to be a source of fuel for Social Justice has propelled his passion for transformative, intersectional social and political change. In his spare time, Cesar enjoys watching films, hiking, swimming, and finding new ways to challenge himself!

Bufete de abogados No. 1 en California en casos de envenenamiento por plomo, envenenamiento por monóxido de carbono y viviendas en condiciones precarias